Morris Micklewhite And The Tangerine Dress

“Morris Micklewhite And The Tangerine” is written by Christine Baldacchino and illustrated by Isabelle Malenfant. This book is about Morris and he loves his Tangerine dress because it reminds him of his mother. But his friends did not want to hang out with him because they thought they would get turned into girls. He got named called so he started staying home, he did not want to get made fun of by his friends. He then got accepted into the astronautes group so he is happy. The lesson (theme) of this book is to not bully and friendship/acceptance. This book is for 7+  year olds because it teaches you about bullying. I would give this book a 4/5.


The book Two is written and illustrated by Kathryn Otoshi and is about a 2 who was best friends with 1 but one day number 3 bugged in and stole 1 they were best friend. 3 gives a lot of good reasons why he should be his friend for example he says that evens can not be friends with ods. This goes on for a long time, but in the end 2 is after 1 so they will be friends for ever as long as the number line does not change. The theme of this book is friendship, the reason I think this is because the whole book is based on friendship and how 2 needed 1. This book is for 7-9 year olds because it’s a valuable lesson for little kids. All in all, I would recommend this book to a lot of little kids.


The book “One” is illustrated and written by Kathryn Otoshi and is about a blue dot that gets bullied by a red dot in the end he becomes victorious. This book is for ages 5-8 because it has really easy writing and funny illustrations. The theme of this book is a friendship/bullying book because it shows two things hating each other than being friends. All in all, I really enjoyed this book and I would definitely recommend this book to little kids.


Ivan The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla

Ivan The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla is written by Katherine Applegate and illustrated by G. Brian Karas. This story is about two gorillas named Burma and Ivan and they live happily in the jungle but one day they were poached by humans. They ended up in a mall. About 13 years later the humans did not want Ivan in the mall so they all voted against the guy who owned the mall and they got him out. Later on, he was released in a zoo and he lived the rest of his life there. I really liked this story because it taught you to never take animals from their habitat or their families. This book is for 8-10 year old because there’s not much writing and it’s not hard to understand.



          “Chopsticks” is illustrated by Scott Magoon and its author is Amy Krouse Rosenthal. This book “Chopsticks” is about a pair of chopsticks that love their job but one day one of them brakes and the other one tries to do things that involve not using a second one but its super hard. I really enjoyed this book because it involves lots of good illustrations and the story goes in a good flow (not to long or to short). I would recommend this book for 5-10 year olds because there’s not much writing and it’s easy to understand the story


Spoon is an amazing story written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Scott Magoon. This book is about a spoon who is jealous because of all the other utensils. He thinks that he is not used enough but in the end, he realizes that he is a special utensil so he is happy. I really enjoy this book because it has really good illustrations and its kind of funny. I would recommend this book for 7-10 years old because there is not that much writing. All in all, I really enjoyed reading another picture book that teaches you an important lesson.

Alfred Nobel: The Man Behind The Peace Prize

Alfred Nobel: The Man Behind The Peace Prize” is written by Kathy-Jo Wargin started inventing nitroglycerin which was a type of fluid used for making roads, train tunnels, and pathways. Buyers all around the world wanted this but he thought it was really unsafe so he tried to invent something else called dynamo which is German for power, it was then called dynamite. He ended up dying in Italy December 10th, 1896.

I really like this story because it tells a real story of a man inventing one of the most dangerous/helpful tools. Dynamite is used for so many things whether its used for clearing out an area like meaning or it’s making a simple road I think it’s a really important tool to demolish things.  

I Used To be A Fish

“I Used To Be A Fish” written and illustrated by Tom Sullivan is about a fish who evolved all the way into a human. He went from fish, lizard to a monkey then human this book focused on evolution because every animal he becomes he turns into another. I really liked this book because we are learning the evolution of humans in science class. This book is aged for kids around 7-10 years old because it explains the evolution of humans in an easier way. All in all, This book has a really good illustration and I would definitely recommend this book for little kids.

Bats Big Game

The book Bats Big Game is retold by Margaret Read MacDonald and illustrated by Eugenia Nobati. This book is about a bat that wants to play soccer and always wants to win so he joins a team called the animals. The animals ask why he has wings but the bat responds “I might have wings but a bird would have feathers and a beak. So they let him on their team and was leading 2-0 against the Birds team. Owl was kicking the ball up the field and GOALLL! They finally started winning 2-3. So bat quickly took his jersey off and ran off into a bush and came back to play on the bird team because they were winning. So the bird team asked if he was just playing but Bat responded: “No I have wings just like you so how could I play on the animal team.”So they let bat play, later on, in the game they ended up loosing so bat was super sad that his team didn’t win. The two teams did not like bats desition so they kicked him off the team because even if you lose or win you should always stay by your team. I really liked this book because it gave a good message to have fun and don’t worry about winning. This book targets ages 7-12 because the illustrations are more for kids for lower ages, I would rate this book 7/10.

The Sweetest Fig

The book The Sweetest Fig was written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg. The age group target for this is 9-13 because it had a lot of writing and it’s hard to understand some of the words. This book is about a guy who got given a fig but he didn’t want it. He was a really angry person and didn’t really treat his dog well. When he got given the fig from a lady. He was shocked, the lady said that it would grant all your wishes. He didn’t believe it at first but he took anyway. For the next 3-5 days, he dreamed that he lived in the riches place in Paris. The next morning he woke up and he was under his bed but he couldn’t talk he could only bark.

I really liked this book because it had a little bit of French and it was a book that told you something important.